
Sand Flea Robot Can Jump 30 Feet High - MyFox Memphis

(EndPlay Staff Reports) - The Sand Flea Robot can jump atop a 30-foot building with a single bound.

Developed by Boston Dynamic as a tool to obtain information for the U.S. military, the Sand Flea, aptly named because of its incredible jumping ability, will hopefully aid soldiers in war zones by revealing potential threats, CNET reported.

The robot has four wheels and weighs 11 pounds. It can jump up to 30 feet high when not actually in a forward moving motion by using CO2 fired from a piston. And it can jump 25 times in a row before having to be recharged, IEEE Spectrum reported.

The Sand Flea has such precision, that when properly controlled, it can leap into a window of a second story building. It does this by stopping, leaning on its back wheels and then propelling itself upward.

One issue that was given special attention was making sure the camera on the Sand Flea would remain steady enough while in jumping motion to provide useful visuals. For this, a gyro stabilization feature was used to keep the camera steady, as well as the robot upon landing, CNET explained.

Before it makes its actual military debut, Sand Flea must first undergo tests and trials at the Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC). Safety and reliability tests will be conducted and then the robot will make its way to Afghanistan to be used by U.S. military there.

Robots are being more commonly used in the line of duty to aid soldiers in surveillance before actually going into a building or climbing over a wall.

Another robot being tested alongside the Sand Flea is the RHex, which is a 30 pound robot inspired by a cockroach. It can crawl up to 6 hours on one battery charge and is able to navigate through mud, streams and rocky land.

Watch a video of the Sand Flea in action.

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